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Officials deemed Newton was taunting when he tossed the ball down after the play

If he thinks the Sacramento media folks (pussycats, the lot of them) are out to get him, wait till he gets his trade to a real media market.

This would be a much more difficult challenge were said brother not named in the article above. More to the point, DeMarcus was ALSO present at that incident, so its mention is indeed newsworthy and relevant here.

wow. You made a lot of shit up that didn’t happen for just three paragraphs. Well done.

Wow, “Touchdown Catch” really undersells that highlight. What a grab.

This is why “being an ally” is tricky. There is no one right path. What to one person might be a great display of ally-ship to another is totally missing the mark. I’ve kind of just accepted that. I imagine there is also a time and place. A roundtable on race or gender relations is a great place to ask that type of

This just in, men act like men

I think it’s great these schools aren’t being a bunch of big pussies about this flap and will snatch the opportunity to punish these little twats for their misogynistic comments.

1. Looks like she knows who Tilda Swinton is

you are the best. In my mind when someone refuses to explain themselves about why they are offended then I pretty much go into the ‘I couldn’t care less then’ and go on my way.

It’s not up to Margaret Cho to alleviate Tilda Swinton’s white guilt. It’s not her job.


I believe my emails stand on their own and should be taken for the spirit in which they were intended.

Cho has made herself one of the main voices of this debate and was publicly criticizing the movie and Swinton. If someone does that, they can’t then claim that if someone wants to talk about it with them that they are being turned to as the only Asian in the room. She has set herself up as an expert on this issue for

I’m guessing that Cho doesn’t understand why a lot of people are pissed at her. It has nothing to do with her feelings that Asian actors should play Asian roles, which is completely valid. Everyone’s pissed because she took what was supposed to be a private conversation, twisted it into the worst possible

Margaret Cho has always been someone who lies for attention. She’s like if Marc Maron were a woman. It’s too bad because she is incredibly talented.

Sounds to me like you want to have it both ways. You want to be able to bitch about people who are racially insensitive (many times unintentionally) yet somehow find it offensive when those same people ask a genuine question of how to improve.

ummm, that’s Asian bud. Hate to break that to you.

Being gay I can’t disagree with you enough. The amount of times people come to me as the Only Gay They Know is pretty high as well. But I suck it up because how else are they going to know? Where are they going to find out? You think societal change happens because the oppressor somehow “finds out themselves” that