
We had a rooster and two hens when I was a kid. Rooster was a total asshole, ambushing anyone who came into the back yard, spurs up as he jumped at your face.

Did your Grandpa like whiskey? Cause he and my rooster-neck-wringin’ Great Grandaddy sound very compatible (and his brothers sent him that good Texas whiskey too).

Dietrich in The Lady is Willing pre- and post- broken ankle; stylish in every way.

When I was a kid, we had a chicken coop on the farm. This was the point where we had sheep, chickens, a horse, and a couple cows that guy from my dad’s firehall had adopted then decided to move to sell their land and move to a suburb.

Lloyd’s would have made Kanye undergo a complete medical exam (probably including psych) before issuing such an enormous completion bond. But sick isn’t always predictable, and while his claim is legitimate, show business can be brutal about accommodating such things.

I realize you’re joking a little bit, but even an asshole rooster who gets its neck wrung for being its assholiest has a WAY better life and death than chickens raised by factory farms.

I don’t know what else to say except you have all my stars for today and I need another glass of wine. Cheers darling.

....Kanye West? That seems like an unusual settlement.

My sister has kept a large flock of pet chickens for years. She said 19 out of 20 roosters are assholes. They are given away (probably to the stewpot) to whomever wants them. After a decade she has a ‘good one’ for her flock, and just got some surprise chicks! Apparently a good rooster brings the hens tasty


The extent of her rooster knowledge appears to be gleaned from Foghorn Leghorn cartoons.

Truth. I can’t tell you how many chicken dinners I had as a kid because my dad walked in with a dead chicken, muttering under his breath and asking for a bandaid. Fastest way to get cooked is to attack the farmer.

That guy needs to lighten up, he’s dragging down the party cocks!

He has no snooze button but will be quiet just long enough for you to fall back to sleep and then he’ll start back up with his obnoxious cock-a-doodle-doing right outside of your windows.

White people must think any Black outrage is outrage for no reason. Emmett’s mother Mamie Till is dead. She didn’t have approval about this painting being made and I doubt any of the Tills were asked about this. Mamie Till had an open casket and allowed for the press(mostly the Black press) to take pictures to open a

Mamie Till, as far as I’ve read, was okay with an open casket at the viewing and the publication of pictures of Emmet’s body in effort to show the world what racist monsters did to her son. I did not read that she signed off on a white artist, decades later, making art of the image for money. I really don’t get how

Yes, but the question people are asking is whether or not a white person can portray these images with proper sensitivity and whether they should because of the simple fact that it’s not their story to tell.

I’ve been a vegetarian for seven years, foster for a no-kill cat rescue, and am not personally a big fan of PETA.

The documentary on the Michael Vick dogs does not portray PETA as given even a tiny shit about keeping them alive.

I’d like PETA to stop killing dogs and cats. They’re more of a threat to animals than these weird people posing with tigers.