
Fuck John McCain.

It’s nice that he’s going the extra mile to fuck a bunch of people over.

He could have voted no by staying home. He’s coming back to vote yes.

But perhaps McCain’s illness will encourage some rigorous self-reflection, and at last, a change of heart. Perhaps he’ll realize that in his last years, he could take a meaningful stand against his increasingly brutal party—and help to save lives in the process.

Senator McCain, now is your time to shine.

Who’s down for an ice cream truck depot heist?

Where I live, developers re-devloped an area next to the river and sold condos and overpriced apartments to rich idiots. Know what else it was next to, and the reason the place used to be where the SROs and really, really horrible, cheap apartments was? It was also right next to the train station. As in, less than a

I don’t live in Austin, but seriously fuck these people. People who move into an established neighborhood and then complain about what’s already established are the worst of humanity.

True story, I dated a guy who lived down the street from the ice cream truck depot in the West Village. Around 5pm, every summer evening, they all roll out as an adorably coordinated sugar-fueled cheer army. The jingles were always delightful because even though they were loud, they just sound like happiness.

I assumed the child in question would be like, a 17 year old fan (which is still gross and wrong). But no, he exposed himself to a child “under the age of 13" ??? YOU ARE A PEDOPHILE. How the fuck is he not in jail?

I think he’s outstanding. Incredibly underrated journalist.

Dear sweet David Scott. I love this guy. Real Sports sends him to interview all the nuts. Slaves in Qatar for the World Cup? David will go confront the Prince after visiting a slave camp! Wacko MMA guy who likes to choke out his girlfriends? Send David without socks so he’ll really get his goat! Perfectly normal and

David Scott is by far my favorite Real Sports correspondent. I feel like he takes on some of the craziest stories/personalities and doesn’t blink. He’s the man.

I watched the clip and when she was revealed I felt the tears come down - they were tears of pure unbridled happiness that I didn’t expect but readily welcome as another glass ceiling is shattered.

I have never bought the Saint Jennifer of the MiniVan Majority act. Girl literally (literally!) hopped from Scott Foley to Michael Vartan to Ben Affleck. I’m not knocking her (the first two are very hoppable) but she’s no innocent angel, bless her heart.

I got Ivanka...at least it wasn’t Eric or Jr.

I got Tiff, which considering the options I’ll take as a win.

My son is a high quality person

Kim’s sex tape made them a household name. So they’re probably wondering why Chyna doesn’t say thank you and sit the fuck down. These people are so warped and hollow I’d feel bad for them if I thought doing so was worth the time and effort.

The NDA can’t possibly keep someone from pressing charges when a member of the family is in violation of the law though?