
But a 'board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in cosmetic surgery' said it, so it MUST be true. Everybody knows, when one smokes and excessively drinks, that damage always shows up as five square inches of less than perfect skin on the front of your leg.

I dunno. I am a little older than JA and my legs are nowhere near as fab, but in a recent race photo (I'm a runner), I could see the exact same thing happening on my legs — something about the motion and impact seemed to really make it visible even though it's not so apparent if I just stand still. Even at my

Occasionally even an impressively mint condition, box-fresh (snort) lady like myself gets marks on her skin like this - usually from having a chunky fabric throw on my legs then leaning on it with my elbow for too long while I peruse Jez. I reckon it's just a pressure mark.

Can't we get a Beth Ditto doll or something?

Man, if I were T-Swift I'd wear the shit out of that shirt.

I hate Elizabeth Hasselbeck with the power of 1,000 burning suns.

I have FNN blocked on my television, so this is fantastic news.

Islamic =/= arab. You can criticize Islam without being a racist. And for any feminist to not criticize Islam is idiotic. Why pillory Chris Brown for years, then defend a religion that advocates wife beating?

Are we suppose to ignore the effect religion has on misogyny and sexual violence against women, regardless of any particular practice? Are we only going to chime in when Rick Perry and the Merry Bible Thumpers write Christian Fundamentalism into secular law, yet ignore the beheadings, gang rapes, child prostitution,

Can we be done with religion, please? Shit is patriarchal and played out.

OK Oates' tweets are certainly Islamophobic, but her last one (pre Trayvon tweet) did have me think for a second. People are very quick to acknowledge the positive that a particular religion can have on the individual and a culture, but when it comes to negative attributes, suddenly that is *a very dumb idea* and not



Meet Frank, the English Bulldog / Puggle puppy!

It's terrific, but the kind of terrific that makes you want to slump over a glass of something and ponder the hellish grey meaninglessness of it all.

I tend to think when it comes to sports Jez should just leave it to people who know what they're talking about. Same with their science articles. There's a great video of Schiavone playing de Brito, where de Brito is screaming into her shots and Schiavone is merely grunting, as most players do. The difference is so

The shrieking is designed to disguise the sound of the ball coming off your racket, making it harder for your opponent to time their movement.

Have you ever played competitive tennis in your life? Do you even watch it? I'm guessing no on both counts.

Yeah, this shrieky crap doesn't come from exertion - it's just noise pollution.

Now playing

Just so everyone knows what exactly you're defending.