Tennessee doesn’t give two shits about Atlanta. Although, it is funny that the best city in the former Confederacy is the one we burned to the ground.
Tennessee doesn’t give two shits about Atlanta. Although, it is funny that the best city in the former Confederacy is the one we burned to the ground.
I would give Sherman just as much credit for the final result as Grant, but yes, having a competent general was a good idea/cheating.
Just.. just no. Even the dearly departed Scalia recognized Korematsu (the SCOTUS decision approving internment) as an embarrassment.
Did your teacher explain how they cheated? Is having more/better guns and more soldiers “cheating”? I am fascinated/confused by this.
God, what a nightmare. You couldn’t pay me to sit through an entire workday of OJ shit.
I watched it with my fiancee while finishing grad school. My future career was still up in the air, and the movie scared the shit out of me. Probably the most horrifying comedy I’ve ever watched.
I still love a lot of his music, but that Bill Cosby tweet forced me to take a break from giving a shit about anything else he does. I tried, now I’m tired, and I just can’t care about him.
What was the conversation with the WTA official like? Was he just asking Wozniacki to let the umpire have this one because he’s had a hard week?
They were eliminated before the game he was suspended for started. Washington clinched the division the day before. There is no end to how stupid that take is.
Put a cork in it, Billy.
Affleck was perfect in Gone Girl. Maybe he should just stick to playing assholes.
Are you going to wear your weekday suit like a poor person? Gross.
My answer is no, but mostly because nobody in their right mind sails on an ocean liner to begin with. Planes exist.
Don’t mess with Hoppy. He might jump you.
Nothing freaks out someone at a stoplight more than an old 40 something guy in a suit sitting in his BMW blasting black flag and singing along.
Don’t insult Rom like that.
I was going to say the suit thing. And I bet a lot of guys don’t see spending on suits for work as “money spent on clothes,” even though it totally is. They still think women spend more, because the $2k they spent on one outfit totally doesn’t count.
I don’t think the point of the post was so much “the Wilpons are idiots for losing money on this fund” as it was “oh shit, the Wilpons might be broke because they lost a bunch of money on the one thing that had been making them money.” But there is a fair amount of snark, so who knows?