
So this guy could get out and shoot people instead of just hitting their cars with a pipe?

The 41mm model starts at $399, while the 45mm starts at $429. Add $100 on either configuration for GPS. If you want stainless steel, which only comes in the GPS config, you’ll pay $699 for the 41mm and $749 for the 45mm.

This is all I have to say

Don’t buy this. It’s so old it’s a security risk, since it gets absolutely no OS updates, and most programs probably won’t run on a Macbook that old. Plus, it’s on Apple’s “Obsolete” list, meaning you won’t be able to get any support or repairs for it. Even a cheapo Windows laptop will be miles better than this tech

You know, considering how awful and intrusive Kotaku’s ads are on mobile, I think it’s kind of hilarious to see you calling out what is fairly benign (albeit also still pretty crappy) compared to your own site’s ads, which are massive and page engulfing.

Actually he’s from Iowa, he just works in space.

Easiest way to do a sequel would be to just grab a movie that already exists and replace the main characters with Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Toad.

Pfft, in my day if we wanted to cheat in a game we got out a hexadecimal calculator and manually edited the save file, or scanned for the relevant value in memory and froze it.

“The space agencies refuse to call it a “rescue mission,” in an obvious attempt to downplay the current risk posed to three stranded ISS crew members.”

“When the water in your pipes freezes, it expands, stressing your pipe. If you have all the faucets closed when the water starts to melt, it will have nowhere to go, so it will soon create somewhere to go.” i know you didn’t expound this concept whole cloth on your own...but it’s still.....wrong
the pipes burst because

Ah, I'm guessing that you, my friend, have never worked IT before. There is nothing an end user will complain about more than extra steps. Especially if they cause even a miniscule slow down to whatever task they were performing. And we, the IT staff, will hear about it until the end of time...or something marginally

I’ll have a second comment about this post but since there’s no other good place to talk about this I’ll do it here:

Oh and it’s almost white fudge oreo season!  I’ll have to buy a few boxes and laugh evilly while my husband watches me process them.

So was dual axis steering outlawed to help MV/RB? Yes it was. Your point is moot.

See: Miracle on the Hudson.

I work in the copier/printer industry and reinforce this enough. Those refills and “compatible” cartridges are anywhere from” OK” to “not functional” to “will damage your equipment” and I if I see a non-OEM supply I’m stopping right there. Recently had a customer go through 3 OKI compatibles, 2 were backgrounding and

Brazilian here. First of all, fuck Nelson Piquet. He is a fascist dick. Even if he had referred to Hamilton as “that awesome fella”, you bet that he would be trying to be a dick. He is the Brazilian equivalent of a MAGA. Seriously, fuck that guy and the car he rode it in.

To most people, this episode may seem like a relatively empty, campy fluff of an episode, but to me it means more than any episode since 2017. I’ve written here before about the fact that I was born with a debilitating, extremely painful, extremely rare genetic disorder. Most people with it don’t survive childhood.

It is in better shape than most of the roads that I drive every day.