
Remember, it’s Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden that exposed the government’s amorality. It’s Assange who coordinated with Putin’s team of hackers to disrupt the 2016 election by selectively releasing DNC material, while withholding similar GOP material, and rejecting leaks that would expose the Russian government.

Corporations: “we should be able to outsource work to third world countries in order to save money!”

But was their required work still getting done?

Why is the entire article written like it’s a Boeing issue (with one line addressing Airbus) when Airbus is included in the quoted article? It was obviously an issue with a company that supplies both Boeing and Airbus. So if you say Boeing should have caught the issue then Airbus should have too. Counterfeit parts are

Apple has made it clear numerous times that they don’t have to (or want to) be ‘first’ at everything....but would prefer to to things right. Let’s also not forget that image of what EVERY cell phone looked like before the iPhone, and how they have all tried to look the same ever since.

It’s not the rocket (which is United Launch Alliance and not Boeing) but the capsule. There was a different problem regarding an oxygen valve on the ULA rocket which caused the launch to be delayed on May 6th. After the delay a separate issue was found with the Starliner capsule, the helium leak. The leak is in the

The UK is also celebrating, because convicted felons are not allowed to enter the country.

This is such an incredibly bad idea. Data mining aside, this is a wet dream for any kind of malicious actor. Everyone’s personal data, everything they are doing on their computer, passwords, personal information, work they’re doing for a company, medical information, financial information, EVERYTHING just one breach

Sam Altman, 6 months ago: “Hey Scarlett Johansson, is it okay if we use your voice for our new AI voice bot?”

The label says semaglutide. So exactly like.

A good spin-off would be to show historical incidents of monsters: what destroyed Troy that became the legend of the wooden horse?; what really caused the Tunguska explosion in 1908?; Da Vinci’s drawings of tanks & aircraft were designs for combatting Titans!?; was the Sphinx once alive - could it still be?

If you’ve been thinking to yourself, “I need some new Legos to put on my shelf,”..

Nope, I’d never think that, as the plural of Lego is Lego. I appreciate this probably get downvoted to obvlivion, but it’s a hill I’m willing to die on! :D

Please don’t make me excited about a Jared Leto movie.

$300 per month phone bill = $10 per day for a 30 day period.  12 hr outage = $5 value.  Pretty sure the average customer isn’t paying $300/month either, so $5 is an overestimation.  

R.C. Pro-Am?!?

When asked for a response they replied

“There are only three real monsters, kid: Dracula, Blacula, and Son of Kong!”

I’m sure Batista is right about this being WB, but I definitely went from considering this game at launch to skipping it until a definitive edition comes out down the line with everything included at a cheaper price. And if no definitive edition comes out then I’ll be fine just skipping it altogether.

The second Starship mission may or may not succeed ...

The Flipper Zero is no more dangerous than a lockpick. Although lots of people only ever see the bad, the actual intended audience of the device can very easily see exactly what good such a thing has to offer.