Burned commenter

What are my chances if I’m only 2 out of 4?

Why is Trump doing this?

If you would like to be really turned off trypophobic images, there are photoshopped images of human hands and feet that are designed to make people really uncomfortable. Or you can google for “surinam toad”.

Logitech, why do you hate left handed users?

Thank goodness you can determine your self worth by number of stars on your witty comments here.

Might be, I haven’t had Comcast cable for a long time now.

They distribute the Chinese version of the Epoch Times around here free (SF Bay Area). I looked through a copy a couple of months ago. It was very pro-Trump, and quite bizarre, from the bits I could figure out.

I would like to exercise my Fifth Amendment privileges.

With enough accelerant, most things can be flammable.

We do. Start firing nukes at each other, and it’ll do two things: put an end to pretty much all of industrial civilization, and throw so much dust up into the stratosphere that it’ll block off most of the sunlight.

You’d think a candidate for President might be aware of this

Well, to be pedantic, I believe the northern part of the Pacific plate where part of California is on is subducting under the North American plate. So part of California will sink. We’ll know if I’m right in another few hundred million years. I’d advise holding off on the Nevada real estate investment, however.

1. It wasn’t a spawn, it was a raid.

He wasn’t given a ticket, since the cops technically never saw him driving while playing (even though he had to have been to have known when to pull over)

I’ll watch that.

Helium is actually continuously produced on Earth through radioactive decay. The problem is finding it as an easily (cheaply) tapped source.

How dare you suggest they interrupt their outrage with critical thinking or actually finding out the facts?

Lens manufacturers: “We have a new lens that’s sharper, lighter, and is more reliable because we reduced the number of elements. It’ll cost 50% more than existing lenses”.

Lens manufacturers: “We have a new lens that’s sharper, lighter, and is more reliable because we reduced the number