Burned commenter

Democrats can’t or won’t pay him as much as Putin can.

Search for photos and videos of bear damage to cars while looking for food in Yosemite.

Muphry strikes again!

Because I’m curious, but also a little lazy, I looked up Wikipedia, which said that in 1999 they carried out 679 combat sorties against Serbia during the Kosovo crisis. There were some other deployments (such as against ISIL) but it wasn’t clear if they did any combat missions. I also found out that they’ve been

Thanks for the best laugh all day. Count me in for the ICO.

Or slightly worse, such as when they took away the 3.5mm jack. I’m still interested in new phones to see how close they come to hitting all the checkmarks on my list.

The floodgate in the top picture is the one that saved the town of Fudai during the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake. You can read about the story here:

To play devil’s advocate, the Kavanaugh appoint has far greater impact on American lives than the Indonesian tragedy. What, realistically, do you expect the average American to do about it? The only beneficial thing they can do is take out their checkbook and write a check to the Red Cross or similar organization. Of

Sadly, it seems you don’t pay much attention to Indonesian either.

That is a valid point, but not what you said in your initial post.

What does one have to do with the other? What should we do regarding Kavanaugh now that people died in a tsunami?

You’re not thinking big enough.

This is the most moving from the standpoint of bowel.

Keep going north. And keep going for another 60 million years. The funny thing is that all your name calling applies to yourself.

And I’m pretty sure the mall has security camera video as well.

A ranger at Yosemite National Park giving a talk about bears in the park told us that bear mothers would sometimes put their cubs into the “bear proof” trash bins. The cub would toss out the food. Then the mother bear would wail loudly until a ranger comes around to unlock it to let the cub out.

OK OK. Make that 59 million years.

The northern part subducts under the North American plate. Go look it up, no need to take my word for it. Then go reread what you wrote about being ignorant of geology.

Hey, Jerry, while you’re at it, SB 822 is on your desk. Can you get around to it? Thank you.

Yes, there is a possibility it might. In about 60 million years or so, Los Angeles might be under the North American plate. Don’t hold your breathe.