Burned commenter

I heard:

Maybe. But in this case, I don’t think anyone is saying “fixing net neutrality is more important than addressing climate change”. If there is, point that person out, and I’ll say their prorities are really screwed up.

You just turn off power to that internet thingy, of course.

I know, right? We can’t fix everything, so we shouldn’t fix anything.

What about your 4th Amendment rights with regards to seizure of cellphone and laptop data?

Bootloader has always been unlocked on OP phones, and there are builds of LineageOS (successor of CyanogenMod) for all models so far.

As a OnePlus owner and user since the OPO, I want to know, are they carrying on their tradition of:

What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet.

I was going to say the same thing, but he did say “if money isn’t an issue”. However, if money isn’t an issue, I’d hire someone to do my cleaning for me. I guess this is targeted towards someone for whom $700 for a vacuum isn’t an issue, but hiring someone to clean is.

I was going to say the same thing, but he did say “if money isn’t an issue”. However, if money isn’t an issue, I’d

One of my favorites: infertility is hereditary. If your parents don’t have children, neither will you.

There were no deaths before life evolved. I think the solution is obvious. Start building Berserkers.

Trans fats, which are produced when vegetable oil hardens in a process called hydrogenation, can be found in margarine, ghee, and shortening products like Crisco.

For its part, the privacy community is insisting that this vulnerability is overblown and that people are overreacting.

The man is an ego trip with a wig.

Ignore the trolls, thanks for the story.

Maybe no good porn yet?

No big deal, just wave it off.

I’m envious. I pass by Pea Soup Andersen on I-5 every time we drive to SoCal, and I’ve never managed to persuade the family to stop there for a meal yet.

Very sure you’re not. And I’m also very sure not everyone feels the same way as you do. And I think that is perfectly fine, as long as one group is not forcing their views on the other.

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Brown goo? Could have been much, much worse...