Burned commenter

He might have asked for directions when he was in India.

I like uBlock Origin. I tried turning off ad blockers when they asked nicely once, but it was so fucked up I turned it back on immediately. If my purchases through their affiliate links is not good enough for them, then too bad.

It’s not whether politicians know how to read polls. It’s more a matter of what’s in it for them. How much money will they get from the lobbyists? How much will this affect their chances of re-election? Could it be more advantageous to vote for net neutrality, putting the squeeze on the service providers and getting

There’d be some poetic justice in that. Then maybe they’ll stop fucking with us.

You left out the essential part : bribe lobby politicians.

A few kids get trapped in car trunks and the government made interior trunk release compulsory. Thousands of kids die from firearms in a year, and oh no, there’s nothing that could be done. Unbelievable.

Just send a billion of these suckers to the moon. Problem solved.

Shouldn’t that be “Foul Ball Fouls Balls”?

Did anyone ask this guy if he took it?

But if you have that extended warranty your headaches are going to be a lot less mild.

signal interference from the 100,000-strong crowd’s mobile devices would make the May 1 live performance a more difficult endeavor

OK, fine, Mr Pedantic. It occasionally points right but never points left.

Please don’t insult 10 year old kids.

In our area public education is heavily funded by property tax, so maybe that counts?

I wouldn’t bid more than $25 for whatever freedom we have left these days.

Good job, UNICEF. Who cares if we waste massive amounts of energy on cryptocurrency mining. It’s not like we care about giving the children you’re providing education for a world to live in, right?

Access your own website from a public location (or VPN) using Chrome?

Now playing

I have nothing useful to contribute, so I’m just posting the obvious song.

Meh, if anything actually happens to the magnetic field, we know what to do.