Burned commenter

I guess you’re going for the classic British understatement. “Disturbing” is not the word I’d use. “Completely fucked up” would be my phrase of choice.

Came here to say that.

Yeah, I seriously don’t know how he managed that. I guess he’s the sucker that got milked in that deal.

Why do you think their employees always seem angry and DGAF about their job? BTW United gave up on the monumentally stupid lottery bonus idea.

United is the Donald Trump of US Presidents.

You get wealthy by milking the suckers, not by being generous. Besides, he needs the money to pay off hookers. And he doesn’t give a shit about how it looks because his support base does not care. They don’t know the constitution either, apart from screaming about their 2nd Amendment rights.

I want a deal on the Anker packing tape.

I want a deal on the Anker packing tape.

From the way they behave at work, it seems pretty apparent to me that they hate the company they work for. Statistically they can’t possibly all be horrible people.

IDK, this feels more like a “Hey, let’s feed this guy to the wolves so that the SEC will stop looking at the four of us.”

Earth most likely will not become as hot as Venus, but it can still get too hot to support most life as we know it. It’s a positive feedback loop. More greenhouse gases traps heat in atmosphere causing atmospheric temperature to rise. Higher atmospheric temperature causes more water to evaporate. Water vapor is a

Are you referring to a different incident, or are you a United employee?

When that happens, let me know and I’ll let you know.

Agree. Only Cthulhu is the One True God.

A mother flying with a puppy, an 8 year old and a toddler, I don’t blame her at all.

Not far from the truth, but wrong god: “10th-century psalms from the St. Catherine’s Monastery”

Some day robots will say we humans need to have our brains bashed in.

C’mon, give him a break. You expect him to remember what he said more than three months ago? His support base sure doesn’t.

In a world where countries pretty much never agree on the same thing, good luck getting everyone to agree to a plan to muck with the planet. Rising temperature turning your farmland into desert? Well, sucks to be you, it’s warming up my tundra and I can grow wheat there. Don’t pay attention to the defrosting mammoth