Burned commenter

Sadly, can confirm, was teen. And thank the almighty Cthulhu that digital cameras were not invented yet when I was a teen.

Then they’ll teach themselves how to skin people in real life, and this is how the AI uprising starts.

Visit bbc and sign in and tell me they don’t force https. Visit imdb and sign in and tell me they don’t force https.

Why not all?

I regret I have but one star to give you.

While we’re at it, how about a law banning lawmakers?

So, if you’re mega rich you can just dump garbage in space and bring us ever closer to the world ending catastrophe theorized by Kessler? WTF?

Don’t ask these type of questions unless you want to be the next dummy.

Ditto, I was excited about a good and cheap eInk tablet.

In Marketing’s defense, if you don’t make it look good now, there’s no need to provide support for it later.

Of course I tried gizmodo.co immediately, and was redirected to gizmodo.com. Strangely, Domain Tools show me this:

My theory is this. The administration puts someone out as candidate for a position who is so batshit crazy, everyone crys foul. Then they withdraw that candidate, submit who they really wanted all along, everyone breathes a sigh of relief, and rubber stamps it.

I suspect someone who leased his Leaf and didn’t bother learning how to use it. The mechanical release is right beside the front hood release. He’s probably used to the electronic release with his remote control.

What you should do is to line the inside of your pocket with WD-40 and soap.

Yes, and I think it’s a good thing to keep it that way. But now you have piqued my curiosity. I wonder if there’s ever been a person killed by a falling body.

Only takes one to land on you to mess up your day :)

They’ll hurt pretty bad if you’re anywhere near where they land.