
Lol. “Quick, Hillary hold this phone and make a shocked face.”

“The Human Vasectomy”has made a vas deferens in his opponents sex life.

My god, the cocaine is probably flowing like wine at Clinton HQ this weekend.

Yeah, all this is is a confirmation that the two major parties aren’t different at all. But we all knew this. Everyone who follows politics knows about the Democratic Leadership Council, right?

Have you seen all the republican dissent about trumps comments. It’s not hard to find.

She says “you know” 38 fucking times. The art of speech is truly dead.

She’s a career politician who’s going to kick the can down the road and make zero changes that America desperately needs right now is why people hate her. Hey guys who who collapsed the world economy with the help of my husband I think you should regulate yourself. She sucks. But hey we need a women in office things

Because they don’t care. To most Democrats she could kill someone in front of them and they would forgive her. She is an entitled bitch, who I will be voting against her just to see her lose. I would love to be a fly on the wall when she has to concede the election.

I don’t think you understand what conservatives believe in.

It was actually in dudeyourrodsinme.

He needs a leg to stand on, first.

You know how many people still beat their children? It might make you feel better to pretend otherwise, but he is not really an outlier or some egregious monster. He’s an uninformed, misguided father who’s leaning on the practices of his upbringing

I had an 5s that hissed for several months. Turned out it was a faulty battery. It ballooned in the case to the point where it separated the 2 halves of the case. I bet you anything this is what’s happening. Book it.

Those headphones sound like a garbage disposal. Plausibly usable for podcasts or audiobooks, but music through them? Ugh.

I am impressed how they can claim its both larger and smaller than the previous generation in the same paragraph.

yes there is a dongle for lightning to 3.5mm.

Digital audio is readily available prior to Apple’s move. They aren’t doing any great service to the world, they’re trying to score a bunch of extra $4 Lightning Plug licensing fees.

Yeah, I don’t care about how thin it is. I’d sacrifice thinness for a better battery inside and protection on the outside (so I wouldn’t have to buy a case). I do care that the second “speaker” at the bottom is cosmetic bullshit though.

I think this is a terribly unfair criticism of Drake. Sure he “said” it but he almost certainly didn’t write it.

So we watched the video for the exact same reason?