Yeah, he should've looked at winning % at home during the day after playing night games away. I imagine that would be kind of a pain in the ass.
Yeah, he should've looked at winning % at home during the day after playing night games away. I imagine that would be kind of a pain in the ass.
Sorry but here's a time I'm not on board with the statistical analysis being done. What Ortiz says makes a lot of sense. The best case that can be made for that is West coast football teams playing 1pm games on the east coast on the road. When your body has to adjust to a time it isn't used to it clearly doesn't…
The Cubs are shitty when they have shitty players and not-shitty when they have not-shitty players, as has been true for their entire history.
Not sure if you believed the other guy, but "Si se puede" came from Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers in the 70s and has been used by all kinds of groups (mainly labor and civil rights) since.
This is simply not true. Lots of people make a living playing poker. You're right that for every legitimate winner there are probably 10 more who think they're winners but are just running good/don't actually add it up/etc. But there are plenty of legit pro poker players.
i've known a few people with different addictions and issues, and they are always quick to throw out their sob story and the "i'll be 100% honest and doing the right thing" card because it's an easy way to get you, again
You want to talk airport scams, how about Hudson News charging me $6.75 for a box of Mike and Ike's that had way too many greens for my taste— now that's a scam! Well, so was this guy's thing, but still.
it is kind of complimentary ....napoli gave all credit of that homerun to tanaka
Ya blew it.
Let me save everyone the trouble:
As a Southerner, I also belittle the confederacy. It's because they were fucktard racists who lost.
And if Portugal had tied with 10 minutes or so left, people wouldn't be so down about the tie
And now that they're safely through, it's finally kosher to state what we all, deep in our hearts, know to be true. They backed into the knockout rounds.
"Ghana trounced the USMNT, beating them in every way but one"
your assessment of the Ghana game sucks, and I don't know how you can laud Zusi without even mentioning the fact that he blasted corners to the other side of the box in the past two games
The 10:1 (or 20:1 or 30:1) ratio is attempting to legislate what was a pretty common phenomenon within living memory. During the late great American Century the ratio of highest pay to lowest pay in most American Corporations ranged from 10:1 to 30:1 with an average of about 20:1. That wan't imposed it was the…
the woman did come off like a cunt though