
This is like the underpants gnome bit from South Park (1. Get the underwear 2. ???? 3. Profit) but the complete opposite: 1. wear tracking bracelet 2. ???? 3. terrifying disaster. Who cares that Disney is knows where you are while you’re at their park? Is this information really going to cause you harm? I think the

it’s liquidate, not liquidize. liquidize means actually turn into a liquid, like if you ran over an orange with a car a thousand times

oh come on, if someone is extremely successful without committing any crime they should be able to keep their money. Don’t be salty just because you’ll never be a billionaire.

Small correction: Liquidizing is turning something into a liquid in the most literal sense. Liquidating is turning an asset into cash. Good article all in all tho!

hey you got a star! you covered the .5 star over! oh wait you starred it yourself, didnt you?

HOT TAEK: Cilantro sucks! There I said it.

huh? that makes no sense.

If a team has a day game in a different city after a night game they’ll usually send tomorrow’s starting pitcher a day ahead so they can adjust and get a full night’s rest before pitching.... only to sometimes see the pitcher come home from a night on the town as the team gets to the hotel (or at least it would happen

False, time of year doesn’t effect it much. You just remember it more.