I hate remembering my real burner

How is this even a question?

That’s not entirely accurate. I’m working on DMing a homebrew game (I’m thinking PbP), because I have a world (partial) I’ve been working on for some time that I’ve been wanting to DM a game in.

90% of the players who talk about issues with game engines have no idea what they are talking about.

Back in my day, it was all about hiding the Playboys and Hustler magazines behind the shelves. We had a kid in the neighborhood that would trade old issues from his father’s magazine subscriptions for baseball cards and comic books.

I frantically clicked away from the Sakura Lemon Fanfiction Archive a time or three. I didn’t explore visual porn when parents were home, but some hot Marle/Crono Chrono Trigger action seemed worth the risk.

Yeah, if the original game actually had a KKK reference, I would agree with him. So many games get censored when coming in the west while other games get censored when going in the east in the same way but in for some reason they are fine in the country of origin. But in this case, the KKK reference was not even

The DMZ, which is one of the most heavily fortified / mined areas in the world.

Never played this game, but I tried Kingdoms of Amalur when it went free on Origin. It was pretty easy for me to get into. Similar to Fable mixed with more traditional RPG’s.

Oh this sounds really good

Interesting anime, still not getting Anime Strike to watch it.

The fact that Gawker did something sleazy and that his response was disproportionate and no less sleazy are also two facts that can be true at the same time.

Now playing

I still have this theme song stuck in my head since the early 90s, and I’m not even mad.

It’s not about blame, it’s about understanding that when your first instinct is to think, basically, that it’s not so hard to get in trouble, that your experience is different from someone who is not white. One of the ways white privilege shows up is in getting second, third and fourth chances after making a mistake

About fifteen years ago, I had the opportunity to spend the day on the set of Law & Order. I had lunch with Sam Waterston and then got to hang around and watch a taping. It was one of the best days of my life.

I’m still waiting for an official Numberwang game.

Oh, and that’s a bad miss.

Just now watching them, and realized they are behind Sir Digby Chicken Caesar! Those sketches have always given me a good laugh.

I liked Snuff Box, but I didn’t get into it in the same way I did That Mitchell And Webb Look. I just rewatched some of the first season and it’s still so, so good?