The Windows what now?
The Windows what now?
Even before the anime of Ghost in the Shell, I also want to speak up for the manga. My wife bought it for me, twenty years after I first read it as a teenager, when I was sitting in a bookstore in the early 1990's. Twenty years later? It holds up.
No. The soundtrack was literally impossible to pay attention to.
Touche’ destiny, I chuckled and considered buying your treadmill again.
Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences.
I would like to remind everyone that this is not censorship and that Playtonic as a private business has the right to express itself as they see fit. If they do not wish to include voice work by a controversial figure in their video game that is well within their right. Jon’s free speech was not violated in any way…
There’s a quote that appears in Norm MacDonald’s recent book, which goes something like “Applause is voluntary, but laughter isn’t”.
Sure. Everyone has the right to be an asshole, but exercising that right still makes you an asshole.
That would be a school in Florida.
Forget it, Jake; it’s Floridatown.
Yeah I tend not to care what people do with their own shit on their own property. If you get mad because someone has a car in their driveway that hasn’t moved in months, that’s your problem, not theirs.
Oh, if only there was a way your tender, entitled, safe-space requiring heart could find more coverage of Charles Oakley.
Eat all the dicks, please.
when the south park guys are all “we can’t make fun of this anymore…”
I didn’t know this.
I can’t believe people are still bringing this up. Have you even read the article you’re referring to?
the space military, duh
Even though I don’t play the game, might I counter with the question of how a player can become good with those characters without playing them. They might be terrible at it, but they won’t learn if they just don’t play with them ever.