Pure Fandom ruins everything.
Pure Fandom ruins everything.
Bring back Soul Calibur! Or damnit Namco, just make an amazing Create-a-Fighter game! Seriously the custom characters of Soul Calibur has to be the most incredible thing I’ve ever played in a fighting game!
It certainly worked fine for me. I was so sad when my BC PS3 system died.
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You know what, I just don’t care. Both sides make good arguments, but I’m not going to die on this hill.
@Wario64 - ‘nuff said
But does it even come near the fun and craziness of Tekken 3 endings?
Given the current model to squeeze every dime out of players, I think GOTY/Ultimate/Complete editions aren’t going anywhere for games with strong singleplayer components.
Birth of a new national hero! Man, is his excitement infectious! GO RYAN!
He is totally pulling it off. Granted in may be a kinda dated look. Kinda wish he have sleeve tabs though.
Several years I had just had it to hell with anime, and just quit, eventually dialing down my Manga habit to zip as work/life responsibilities increased. The major factor in my quitting was fanservice. It had gone beyond silly titillation and become down right offense and in the way of story to me.
I have a couple of friends who ended up turning to retropie kits after Ninty dropped the axe.
I kinda feel twice burned by Destiny. Once just during the content drought and I sold the game, and then after I bought the Taken King set on sale, the announcement of nothing carrying forward to D2. My friends dropped it hard and never picked it back up.
I’d love for HBO, Showtime, or AMC, to do this. The only change I’d make is that wouldn’t be flashback, just the vignettes, the only real thread being stories happening in the same world under the threat of the Zombie Apocalypse. The narrator character would only appear in flash forwards for some characters (to show…
there’s a full version?! OMG I had no clue. I love the book, and the abridged audiobook was a “I’ll just deal” situation, but this is great. Gonna have to get that.
The only nitpick I have with this article is the last paragraph. Gygax’s players were his collaborators, and pretty much any home campaign that lasts longer then 3 sessions is built on the shoulders of players.
Mordenkainen was Gygax’s Wizard IIRC, but Bigby, Otto, Melf, and Tenser were played by others.
The sad thing is, if there was say, an Chinese Heritage graduation ceremony, Buddhist Heritage graduation, or say an Descendants of John Adams ceremony, folks wouldn’t bat an eye.
Straight up HD remake for me. Maybe add a special survivor mode challenge of 1000, because 100 isn’t nerve wracking enough when you get your arm damaged on 65..
Even in a Galaxy far, far away, Kanye still goes first.