I hate remembering my real burner

Grow up. Just a little bit on this.

I wish I had the time and patience to play Souls games.

God, I hope they continue the series’ traditions and make this rocket-powered rollercoaster stuffed with fireworks trainwreck.

So is the score Elite: 3 EVE:10 now?

I’m kinda with you on 3D, but I’m a bit more forgiving on VR for one simple reason: Smartphone VR/AR.

I bought Overwatch.

This was the “most egregious change?” A background sign?! WTF?

Should have just called it Call of Duty. It’s been long enough.

Came to say the same thing. It totally feels like a Fable brother from another mother.

Gundam 00 is a bad joke.

tenchi muyo? ah my goddess? love hina? Gundam 00?

Sorry, we’re on PS4. The 4 of us have alll played in the same game at least 3 times.

Same here! I was so hyped for Wildlands, got all my buds to play the game together during the beta, and wham. We’re all like, this is it?

To me, it always felt like they radically altered the backstory between games. And each one was kinda interesting taken on it’s own, but I still want to know they originally saw the plot ending.

Okay, this may be sacrilegious, but Persona games. I’ve been playing since P2, but I’ve never finished a game. I get 30-50 hours in, and hit a wall. Some boss I just can’t figure out, and after a couple of attempts, it becomes more frustration then fun, and I put it down, and a new game comes out, and then 3-6 months

So it’s a Monster Hunter clone?

I feel like this is less expense then a juice bar, or a juice fridge that you have restocked twice daily.

I loved this show so much. I so wanted to be a contestant as a kid. Also I’m pretty sure a percentage of my memory is allocated to just remembering this song.

I was planning on picking up a NES classic around the end of summer, once demand had died down and you could pick one up anywhere, possibly snag one of the longer controllers too. After all Nintendo was going to get their shit together on this right? It’s like $35 of parts and labor per unit right? Something they

oh god, this is all the levels of horrible.