Yeah, Snuff Box is out there. Like OUT THERE. I think I sat dumbfounded through the first episode after Netflix recommended it to me one day. It grew on me though. I’m a sucker for anything with Matt Berry generally.
Yeah, Snuff Box is out there. Like OUT THERE. I think I sat dumbfounded through the first episode after Netflix recommended it to me one day. It grew on me though. I’m a sucker for anything with Matt Berry generally.
Oh god, someone else saw That Mitchell and Webb Look! I mean beyond the “Are we the baddies?” nazi sketch everyone shares. Are you a Snuff Box fan too?
Exactly. I would love to go to a gallery showing of art inspired and influenced by GitS.
Saving face? How could Gearbox not know about G2A’s reputation. Either Gearbox never intended to sell keys through them, or the “terms” were ironed out months ago.
Either G2A submits, and G2a acquires a greater deal of legitimacy and Gearbox looks like heroes for holding the storefront’s feet to the fire and responding quickly to public outcry...
Youtubers are getting what they thought they always wanted, the rest of the media taking them seriously.
Agreed. Seriously. It is so very much the seed from which a garden of cyberpunk has grown. I always seem to find some hidden joke or tie-in to another of Shirow’s manga whenever I read it.
I’d learn 5th ed to play in a game exploring that!
I would recommend everyone starting a home game peruse amazon for RPG dice. You can generally find a good deals on getting a bunch of complete sets cheaply.
How can it be this bad? Omg gotta give props to their marketing dept for covering up this so well. 2 weeks ago, I was saying this was gonna be a slam dunk. Don’t know now.
It’s the first zelda game I’ve ever been interested in. Now, if they just port Bayo 2 to the Switch, I’ll be 1 game away from my 3 game minimum for a new console.
indeed, or at least come up with some form of politically acceptable dodge. Seriously how hard would it have been to backstop some sort of fundraiser or whatever?
OMG that has 180'd my interest in this. After slogging through P3P and P4G I am so tried of random dungeons. I had zip interest in this until now!
ideally, they should have all politely declined. And then on the day this was to have gone down, do something to make themselves a bit more hardy against the Gov’t pulling monies from programs that benefit them, but spin in it a fiscal responsibility way.
We need more legitimate political parties. We need honest and respectable opposition to the Republicans and Democrats.
You mean requiring 3 playthroughts and accessing a secret shop? By that time, nothing should be spoilable for you.
Noice. I wasn’t expecting to like this.
I love this so much. Thanks for the update!
I tend to take calls and teleconferences standing up and moving about my office.
Yeah, it’s pretty close to a general office schedule, but that’s a superficial view. Ask office workers how much of a 8-hour workday is actually spent “working” and you’ll get an ocean of variety. Here is what stood out to me about his schedule: