Nah, as long as they complain on YT about YT, YT wins.
Nah, as long as they complain on YT about YT, YT wins.
If all the famous “Youtubers” kicked the service to the curb it wouldn’t matter. Others would fill the vacuum. Google/Alphabet doesn’t care. They run entire divisions in the red.
Is there a Danger 5 lightning round, where they have to stop Hitler from diving through a window to safety?
I just wanted to say, I look forward to these updates! Keep it up Gita!
If you think Nintendo can do that, I’ve got some beans to sell you.
You ALWAYS insure items like this.
I think, to misquote you; that most youtubers still see Youtube as just dumb videos people post online, and somehow they make money off of it.
How is any more of eyesore then the boats, buses, RVs, trailers, or truck campers?
You shut your whore mouth! Hawaiian Pizza is gift from the gods on high! Well Canada, exactly, but still ON HIGH!
I really need to find nice people to play Destiny with. Ugh, I’ve got all the expansions, but I’ve only done VoG, maybe 3x max, and that was back in year 1.
I live near several large military bases. And if someone is using SNAP at the supermarket checkout, either they or their SO is in uniform.
This! This!
With such a dogwhisle president, maybe we should start hording hard foreign currency.
I’m DM more then I play, so here is my favorite BBEG so far, from 3.5e:
They already have an agreement, it’s why its basically F2P in the PC bangs. And they probably already have some sort of clause about not-altering the game files and etc etc. It’s all hand-waved.
Blizzard doesn’t care until it’s cost effective to care. See also: WoW Legacy servers.
A solution that requires requires the cooperation of the employees of PC Bangs is a non-starter without the threat of penalties from Blizzard.
Hey former/current Gamestop employees, can you answer this: If a mall or shopping complex has more then Gamestop, does corporate treat them as one store or two separate stores?
I remember I kept failing the lightning dodging because I was too tense.
Soul Calibur 3, 4 & 5. Maids, and lots of them.