The guy who shares kinship with Deadspin for anti-Hinkie hate? You betcha.
The guy who shares kinship with Deadspin for anti-Hinkie hate? You betcha.
Like how did you then follow up with Redick isn’t an ideal vet to have in this team?
I love how you can twist shit to fit the Deadspin narrative. This is like red meat.
As Hinkie designed them to be.
I shudder to think that someone out there is using to get their sports fix. Bodner and Kapadia have been among the best X & Os writers in the country and they’re both on the athletic.
For the Deadspin brand this is very good news. Gets you right in the fun and competitive playoff tier of teams. Contend, you will not, but you should enjoy 45-55 win seasons for years to come.
You forgot to insert ‘casual’ before fan there buddy.
Survivor is great, but this season has been overproduced trash and Brad an unmemorable player.
Goddamn Deadspin. When writers write about the NBA without ever watching the NBA.
If only there was a GM that could have the rights to pick swap with the Kings and was owed an unprotected 2019 pick from them, that team might be of been in as a good position as any.
Why are you so dumb
Fuck, didn’t realise a rookie transcendent player was going to take them to the promise land from day dot.
This is one goddamn insufferable post.
Considering Embiid is the embodiment of the very thing you’ve been butt-hurt about, I find it hard to believe you think that.
Hey Deadspin, got any more revisionist history that you feel like you might not want to apologise for?
Might want to tell Embiid that then buddy.
Look in the mirror champ.