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    Then you should get your news from somewhere other than a blog that has a heavy bias. I may call people fags, but I never outted a private citizen from a rival company. This shit happens all the time. If you only read Gawker, you wild think a cop never did anything good, a black person never did anything bad and Obama

    That’s pretty stupid and narrow minded of you. How about band members sodomizing each other?

    How the fuck is football mysoginistic? How the fuck does football sexualize children? Quit being such an over sensitive moron and go kill yourself.

    I graduated in 2002. We traded nudes. No big deal.

    Yes it is

    So what?

    Who cares if pedophiles get access to non-exploited nude pictures? Isn't it better they jerk off to pictures a bunch of stupid sluts willingly took themselves instead of raping someone? It's one thing if kids are forced to do this — that's what exploitation is — but these are willing participants.

    What does it mean that the football team was at the center? Without explanation, it just sounds like scapegoating.

    Not trolling. You’re just a stupid fuck. There’s nothing wrong with playing football. What does it even mean that the football team “was at the center” of this? Were they holding girls down, ripping their clothes off and taking pictures? Probably not. Go fuck yourself.

    You are a faggot

    Well, they could kill more black people.

    You're fucking stupid. You can't blame the football team because kids like to fuck.

    Because they aren't pussies like art teachers?

    Go kill yourself. High school kids like to fuck. Get over it.

    This writer isn’t innocent either

    Jordan never averaged double digit rebounds.

    “You can die from that?” -Kenny Powers