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    It's not ALWAYS trolling.... sometimes it's just to break up the circle jerk.

    Matt Hardy looks weird being fat.

    I know that’s supposed to be an insult but is not watching something you don't like a bad thing?

    We all know it didn't happen.

    Their core audience is college kids.

    If he isn't in jail, he has a right to work.

    One apprentice, one desciple.

    You're racist.

    Better than you.

    Frank Miller is awesome

    Women lie about being raped all the time.

    You can't use facts on this site.

    Not all tranny's take hormones, moron.

    So it is that easy.

    Kill yourself

    It's called realism, moron.

    That's because you are a moron

    She has weird shaped boobs.

    “Carwriiiight” -Asian voice

    The pride of IU. Slash 2.0!!