
You never answered me:

WTF is a safe space? Are you 12?

Again, you’re a fucking cunt.

You’re a cunt.

You’re a fucking idiot, and frankly I don’t see why you have an issue with his opinion.

Also, you’re 23 right? I assume you’re 23. You have to be 23. And mommy and daddy paid for your closet apartment that you whine about?

Oh, God!!!!! The Midwest?!?!?!?!?! I can’t even. They probably don’t even have any bars with $12 drinks. How will I sleep at night without being able to tell everyone I moved to the BIG city? I’m a big girl, you know, who moved to the BIG city.

I’m neither middle-aged nor a suburbanite, but please explain what you do in your city that you can’t do anywhere else. I’m guessing you live in NYC, SF or LA and you pay four times as much for housing as everyone else. And you whine about it on Gawker. Sucks to be you, nerd.

Yes, commenting on a blog in a closet in New York City is SO much better! Have fun with that.

Trust me honey, you don’t have to worry about dealing with a stalker.

OMG!!! you nailed him! Got em

Something is beeping in the kitchen. Better go fetch it.