
It’s what Obamacare was based on but their mandates have the teeth to actually be useful (non-payment of insurance premiums is a criminal offence and in extreme cases could carry a prison term), insurers all have to offer the same basic level of care and can’t make a profit on the plans, how much an individual can pay

And how much were rates going up year over year before the ACA vs. after?

Go look up how Switzerland does things.

The episode where Trump realized the Canadian PM was stronger than him.

But to me it looked like the other side of the highway was COMPLETELY unblocked. All they really had to do to get around that was just drive in the opposite direction until they could get to the other side of the highway.

Betsy Devos has been around a long time and her views and what has come from those views is well known. Also known are the views of those who advocate for charter and religious school voucher programs.

I don’t understand how Tesar is still there when he quite obviously set his teammate up to fail TWO weeks in a row.

So you own the CableCARD™ outright for those TiVos?

It’s been ingrained in us by the patriarchy

But if you replace massacre with terrorists the sentence makes absolutely no sense.

That’s some quality DM’ing

Skipped leg day, I see.

The US should get into some sort of partnership that includes countries from both sides of the Pacific and try to exclude China from it to strengthen our position in the area.

That’s the joke.

They would be the same breed. A base change doesn’t make them a different breed.

omg you need all the stars for this.

But you see the new Republican (not Trump) thing isn’t saying that everyone will have healthcare, but that everyone will have ACCESS to healthcare.

Well the idea, as stated in the article, would be to fix the genetic aberration that causes the disease and then use those corrected dogs as the new founders for that breed.

I can guarantee you that politicians are paid more and work less than a grad student doing science.

lol good.