
It never was the case for BB guns

This is an awful situation, but BB guns are not toys. They can cause serious injury.

I just looked it up. BB and pellet guns are exempt under current law

I know my bb gun didn’t have one when I was a kid. I’m not sure if BB guns are considered in the same category as airsoft and other toy guns.

Are people actually still playing this?

You realize that the ice bucket challenge was incredibly successful, right?

Now playing

It’s unlikely. She might be able to finish them all but she likely won’t win the money. She’d have to not only win, but be faster than everyone else too.


So, did you not read the beginning of this post?

If you’re going to ACTUALLY commit crimes you have to be white, rich, and related to a higher up in the force or a politician.

I was flabbergasted when I learned that cops are allowed to literally falsify things out of whole cloth when interrogating you to get you to confess.

My dad is a non-criminal lawyer in a far away state; should my plan just be to call him and have him find someone appropriate?

That way when you struggle for being arrested for no good reason they can then arrest you for resisting.

They can’t force you to provide the code. They CAN force you to provide your fingerprint with a warrant like they can force you to provide a DNA sample.

If they last forever doesn’t that just mean you spend less over time?

If they last forever doesn’t that just mean you spend less over time?

Hot take alert

They were already that good.

Even if you don’t eat sugary stuff a pop/soda/whatever has a TON of it.