
That’s exactly what George Bush wants you to think.

I think it will make me a much better player. I will have the same fire. I had my fire tonight, but it was controlled. It will make it a lot better …

Yes, I meant the visiting locker room at GS.

Story that I heard is that JR was smoking cigars in the GSW locker room with a wrestling championship belt over his shoulder. The security guard told him to put the cigar out and you can’t smoke in there.


I mean I agree completely. I just don’t think that they’ll ever give MVP to a player from the losing team ever again.

Seeing Lebron play this way I don’t know how he’s not the MVP regardless of who wins.

Oh that’s awesome! I’ll give it a shot tonight.

I really wish Mint would get better integration with Vanguard’s 2-factor authentication.

PC players would destroy console players. It wouldn’t even be a contest

If you really want to try and convince him it might be worth having him listen to the planet money podcasts about Warren Buffet’s bet with hedge fund managers.

What funds were getting you 15-20%?

That video was good and the commercial was funny, but what the fuck how can you not have Christen Chenoweth being crushed like the wicked witch with only her ruby slippers showing?!

And I’m sure that follow-up article/quote got just as much play in the media as the “special place in hell” one.

Yo you’re the one talking about “alleged” feminists saying it, not me. Maybe you don’t consider Albright a feminists.

Honestly, to go along with this I would say learning how to say, “I don’t know” if you don’t know the answer to a question.

If they did this Draymond Green would have been rendered a eunuch years ago.

And only one man in the semifinals ran slower than 1:50 in the 2012 Olympic 800m semis. She wouldn’t even be qualifying against men is the problem.