
Yeah, let’s not mess up your New Years plans...

Religion of peace.

It’s already happened. Life expectancy has already dropped this year for the first time in forever.

Thanks Obama.

That car is like your sister’s Facebook friend who you thought was hot until.you realized she has only one good angle.

It’s so hit and miss the the MJ stories. Lots of people have stories about how big of a dick he is, and a seemingly equal amount of people have stories about how nice he is.

Almost like he’s a human being with good days and bad days.


FWIW - I’m pretty liberal, but the same could be said for this duo.

Burning an effigy = looting and burning buildings? Ok, buddy.

I seem have forgotten where conservatives were rioting and looting and burning buildings. Can you send me those sources so I can jog my memory?

Not as embarrassing as all the Liberals that are burning down their cities because the election didn’t go their way.

They should build a statue in Bristol for the guy who’s done so much to make ESPN what it is today. And if that’s too expensive, they can just steal one from a Buddhist temple.

Liberals just don’t get it. The only way to beat Trump is at his own game, not yours. I got 3 words into that loquacious manifesto and got bored. Meanwhile Trump has been able to hijack the GOP and truly incinerate his opponents with a vocabulary no bigger than 40 words MAX. Keep it simple stupid.

Surprised he didn’t somehow work in that he went to Cornell

The bear did get cut off.

The bear had a hankering for some Rhesus Pieces.

Sure beats anything NBC is airing these days...