
...I’m disappointed about Trump’s election, too, as I’m sure you’d be writing the same things about Bill “Orgy Island” Clinton. He and Jeff E. double teamed a 13 year old, you know?

I’m confused: dry heaves are painful, aren’t they?

Butthurt-ness confirmed. Returning to base.

Extra moleskin please.

Butt hurt detector triggered.

Something your side specializes in, I believe.

“Hundreds killed every week?” Not by whites and not by cops, fucknut. By blacks? You’re damn right there skippy.

Yeah no. Blacks fucking up whites just cuz and getting away it because BLM and Trump.

George Wallace was a democrat, you ignoramus.

The butt hurt is strong on this one!

Such bullshit. Everyone has pain snowflake. Not just you.

You just sound like an illogical fucknut. Best to let a tool like you rest in his waste than argue with an open sewer.

Wow! Aren’t you the coolest fucking white guy in five counties? I’ll bet the black people are so impressed with you! Are they at least as impressed as you are?