
I love the idea that people actually think that while preparing for an elimination game against the Yankees, with the pressure of an unprecedentedly desperate fanbase, and dealing with an injury, Schilling had the time and the inclination to be all like “hey, let’s see what we can do to make it look like I’m bleeding

This must be what he means by “face adversity.”

Chief Wahoo, or the Chief Yahoo?

You don’t see reality.

You’d have to be pretty stupid to think that most of Trump’s supporters even know the difference between Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, etc.

Why not do both!

Coach Quinn was throwing a Sherman fit on the sidelines.

If you’re talking shit about the McRib then we’re gonna fight.

This is the cherry on top of the season-long ice cream sunday!

It was cruel for them to release these the week Rex has to prepare for the Patriots...maybe Belichick up to his old tricks?

I see CTE affects players in sports other than football.

Sam Bee is not obligated to support your quixotic dream of remaking our democracy at the expense of our actual democracy.

How would one tell?

North Carolina threatens to retaliate by requiring businesses to pay for labor.

I view Revis going back to the Jets as him doing Belichick a favor; he effectively screwed over NY one last time by getting them to pay him big bucks while knowing full well that he was about to decline into obscurity. God bless that man.

Is it crazy to think that if he made the catch and then trotted out of bounds at that spot, he’d be criticized for not trying to get a few more yards when Bailey misses the 60+ yard FG?

Punk had.. (wait for it)... NO CHANCE IN HELL!

Meh, can’t blame Osweiler for being pissed off that he got benched in favor of a dead guy. A dead guy that had been cockblocking his playing time for years.

“Why would there be confusion if he spoke English? Joining us in in studio to discuss is Emmitt Smith.”