
I think you’re missing the point Riley.

Perhaps it didn’t show up on his screenshot because it was taken 30nm SE of Bugalaga airstrip, not 40nm SE where the mine actually is.

Dear Will, if you took a second to try and review the *game* Microsoft Flight Simulator instead of the concept of cloud and games as a service, maybe you would have done the tutorial, which would have taught you to fly VFR (which incidentally is the only form of navigation actually included in the tutorial).

Why even play the game at that point? If you want the story without the investment read a summary. The moment you start turning stuff like that on the time left that you’ll enjoy it and how engaged you are in it basically hit free fall. The fact that anyone is bothered that you have to try even a little to get

When did people who chose to abuse drugs become off-limits for comedy?

Ah yes, San Francisco: where eating at a restaurant is a public health risk but shitting on the sidewalk isn’t.

I suspect the people who are deeply concerned about it’s portrayal of Japanese culture generally won’t really care that much about what actual Japanese culture thinks of it.

I dont understand why anyone would say “that is not what racism is”

So are they removing definition 3 or just updating the quoted one?

So we’re getting a definition that nobody holds to in real life and would make it so that Bohdan Khmelnytsky doesn’t meet the definition of “racist” because the Ukrainians were subservient to the Poles.

I’m a bit torn on this particular analogy. It may be asinine, but wouldn’t it better to let the least effective and most likely to die person simply die, and apply all your healing to the most effective member of the party? Don’t spread it around at all, but make sure whoever is pitching out the most damage to the

According to the FBI, arrests for violent crimes are roughly 152k per year for blacks, vs. roughly 237k per year for whites. Obviously not all people shot by cops are violent criminals, but according to the Rutgers study cited: “Risk (of being shot by cops) for all groups peaks between the ages of 20 y and 35 y and

According to a different article that also cites a Rutgers study:

All lives matter. Equally.

Yeah... don’t do this in the very subtly hidden situation this article is pointing at. If someone zipties things together that you feel the need to un-ziptie, there is a very real possibility they won’t respond well to you undoing the ziptie.

Zip ties are cheap and I have scissors on the multi-tool in my pocket. Cut the zip tie and put on a new one.

That’s a driver failure.

Finally! Now I have the justification I need to run downtown and burn down a Wendys!

I all can say for everyone is that if you haven’t been spoilered yet, please do yourself a favor and go read the spoilers. Because you will be glad you did not waste any time or money on this upcoming piece of rubbish.