
lol nope

Basically 0%.  4Chan already found the guy, hard-left local

lol kenosha is a wreck because a sex assaulter has to roll his ass into prison but sure, it’s all nonsense

I wouldn’t want this guy driving off with children either

Can you guys just fuck off to your neighborhoods and go make Wakanda or something?


“Yeah, fuck around and find ou-OW OWWW!  FUCK!  MY ARM, FUUUUUUCK!”

If you have the disposable income to indulge in Trump outrage fanfiction, well, you do you partner.

Please, sell me on the alternative.  Do I get SF wealth inequality?  NY taxes?  Chicago gun violence?

I still don’t get why this is being pushed as anything other than shovelware.

lol what the fuck

Are ya’ll really worth this effort?

When you’re appealing to myth, nobody cares about whether the flowers are scientifically accurate for the period and place.

Literally everyone thinks it’s bad history

Better get those social workers on the case

We’re trying to conserve productive society, mostly. I mean, what shining beacon of progressivism am I supposed to be impressed by? San Francisco? New York? Chicago?

lol stay the fuck off private property kiddies

There seems to be an alarming trend among our nation’s youth where they confuse the verbosity of their argument with the veracity of their argument.

Or it’s just a fucking pull rope you weirdo

This is retarded.