
Seen this movie before, it ends the same way: black people pissed off, and the next generation of snake oil politicians elected to steal from them.

No, I’m refusing to engage in kabuki theater to satisfy your ego

What do you want them to do, loot a corner store or something?  They’ve posted their black square and bent the knee, now let them get back to work.

Come on, nobody likes the Welsh.

In conclusion, this is the reasoning which we will use going forward to treat you like a racist when you don’t actually act like one.”

Wow, outrage is profitable!

There was no tear gas

POWERFUL: White liberal arts student posts black square on social media platform and cries.

“We program the autopilot to behave like us here at Tesla: Total and complete confidence in all we do. When we see something insurmountable, like disrupting the automotive marketplace, flying a spaceship to Mars, or an overturned semi-trailer, we stride for it like it’s the simplest thing in the world to overcome.

Friendly reminder: black outrage is a commodity generated in order to keep you in the same self-destructive loop.

Black outrage is a commodity

Or murdered by, ya know...yourselves?

“If we wreck everything THIS time, it’s sure to work!”

lol like everyone agreed it was awful, but instead of unifying for change you just destroyed your own communities. BLM and the folks here at the Root are snakes reinforcing the same unproductive and self-destructive behavior that ensures nothing changes.

Next week, on The Root, Damon asks why corporations don’t invest in black communities!