right,... i made the idiotic comment. By all means show me the proof that people around the world think Shy Guy or Birdo are from Doki Doki panic.
right,... i made the idiotic comment. By all means show me the proof that people around the world think Shy Guy or Birdo are from Doki Doki panic.
Ferguson could work as a host but I don’t feel there would be enough people for panelists.
not a bad choice but he would have to use his American accent. Americans get turned off when they hear his british accent.
and @midnight is just awful. It is the exact reason why American Panel shows don’t work.
hey you are the one claiming the rest of the world knows Birdo and Shy guy from Doki Doki planet a small game that was only released in Japan in the age before the internet.
so you are actually claiming that around the world Shy Guy, Birdo and others are known as Doki Doki characters FIRST even though it was a game only released in Japan and wasn’t a top seller......
no really you don’t sound like a complete idiot now.
except no they aren’t. Doki Doki panic was only released in Japan and it wasn’t a huge hit. All those enemeis are know for being part of Super Mario even in Japan
.... wow so we should let him be because something bad might happen if he lost his fame....
“I suggested that we keep the personal and professional lives separate, yes. Not to forget that he was a fucking asshole.”
wait... you are actually suggesting that people ignore the fact that he almost beat Rhianna to death... and you suggest we should ignore that.
oh cool a gamergater
the thing is we already have a solution for getting Youtubers paid its called Paetron and it works really well.
except they already found a solution it’s called Paetron.
it was released here on the Super Mario Collection for SNES. It’s called the Lost Levels and its really just more SMB1 maps. It’s not very good at all.
yeah i know the history of it doesn’t change the fact that its a far better Mario game then Japan’s SMB2.
yes i know that but it doesn’ t change that it was far more iconic then Japan’s SMB2
to be fair Japan’s Super Mario Bros 2 sucks. Our Super Mario Bros 2 is one of the best of the entire series and brought us some of the most iconic Mario enemies.
ehh I would say the Imperial Agent was on par with Kotor... well it felt more like a Kotor Mass Effect hybrid but still really good. Oh and the Sith Warrior storyline is amazing especially how it overlaps with the Jedi Knights.
yup and it’s perfect timing with the new movie coming out
the game has always been what it said it would A Bioware MMO, which is exactly what it should be