
Pretty dumb joke as Deadspin is owned by Gawker Media. Hinkie can't actually trade the Deadspin writers.

This is an honest question: Does Adrian Peterson fully understand what he did?

"Rip out your eyeballs and disconnect your brain, because First Take is coming up next!"

"What a proud warrior."

Bad job by those in charge of the ESPN headlines bar. The Dale Earnhardt feature is already running.

On a related note: Sleepytime tea is the actual best. They must lace it with codeine.

I'm glad they don't seem too torn up about this, especially considering the horrible news they're about to get regarding Thurman Munson.

I knew something was off...

Because generally, if you are going to do an investigation that more and more looks like it's going to amount to "Jesus no one knows what the fuck went on." you probable shouldn't be leaking things to Mort like "HOLY SHIT MORT!! 11 outta 12 are 2 PSI under!!" and in general dipshit leaks that clearly were coming from

What I'm getting out of this is that no one really paid that much attention to this stuff until someone in the Ravens organization, having been called out by the Patriots quarterback, trolled the NFL by bringing something the everyone knows (or should know) that balls inflated to the minimum pressure in the official's

Yes. "Rogue Pats employee tried to slip unapproved ball into the game!" That was ESPN's hot take. Turns out it's "thieving NFL official tries to steal K-ball from game." Oops. Good job, good effort, ESPN.

because when it was first reported they were making it out like the pats where the ones caught doing this, I remember Around the horn the other day was a talking about it as proof the pats were cheaters, that McNally was the bad guy. Turns out the story was completely misreported, and when you have so much wrong info

I still cannot believe the Seahawks didn't give the ball to Lynch. SMH.

"Either way, red flag."

Perfect summation of what is happening right now

"Mr. Kraft, the commissioner is on line 1, something about an overdue apology"

The city of Minnesota, you dolt.

"who loves Minnesota and expressed fierce loyalty to the city even after he was traded to Boston" Which city?

And we have a Challenger for best joke of the day!

If only the people of Hunstville had seen this report prior to January 28, 1986.