
This has been tried with NFL teams before, but all that guy ever heard was: "For the last time, Mr. Cromartie, we're all out of Jets onesies."

A warm weather stadium, with no history/tradition at all? I'm guessing the raven is looking for the carcass of the shark the NHL jumped.

As a new parent and also a Browns fan, I did the opposite and filed a restraining order to keep them away from my kid.

Raven: [shits all over the rink]
Raven: [gets hired by ESPN]

I wish I were insanely wealthy so I could offer more money to those Broncos fans and see which ones stay at their current job out of loyalty

They are blowing Peyton Manning on that site while bashing Thomas for wanting to get paid on the one big contract he'll ever get. Peyton Manning lives to squeeze every God damned cent out of things. These people are insane.

Any NFL franchise who asks for loyalty when contracts are only binding for the player is just pandering to the fan base. Get your money while you can, Julius, and get out while you are healthy. That is a good business plan.

The same Peyton Manning who basically reduced his team's offense to jello because he insisted on playing at 70-80% the last third of the season and thus couldn't throw the ball more than 10 yards. Yes, let's all emulate the guy who had defensive coordinators salivating and literally daring him to throw deep because

Tom Brady made everyone forget about him.

Peyton Manning, "winner" and team player earning $19 million this year couldn't be reached for comment, as he was filming his 3,193rd tv commercial for Papa Johns.

I appreciate Greg standing up for his son, but maybe he should let his cousin Dave handle the spicy stuff.

It's only soccer. No one cares here in America and if they did care about soccer it wouldn't be the Men's team which is filled with fail but the Women's team that is actually a joy to watch.

Or college football, or college basketball, or the NHL, or the NBA...OK, maybe that last one will be a toss-up...

So, the advantage to the massive human rights violation that is the Qatar World Cup is that the massive human rights violation that is the NFL will give us something to do other than pretend to care about soccer for a month.

Mexico may disagree.

Still strange to me that of all the athletes talking about Fifty Shades Of Grey, none of them even come close to discussing it with the depth of Hideki Matsui.

Yeah well I doubt God created you to jump over fences for a living, but here you are.

I'm surprised Jones said anything at all, she has built a reputation on being notoriously tight-lipped.

Betcha they'll pay him even more this year.

Det. John McCarthy: Alright men, we are not leaving this strip club until we uncover some goddamn evidence!