$80!?!?!? How fucking stupid is GA? That barely covers cab fare in D.C.. No way that's a legit sex worker, at least not in the past two decades.
$80!?!?!? How fucking stupid is GA? That barely covers cab fare in D.C.. No way that's a legit sex worker, at least not in the past two decades.
Yea, except you have no QB and your star WR drank himself out of the league. There's nothing to worry about here.
Browns Owner: What's with these pre-draft shenanigans I'm hearing about Kevin? It's getting some people in the league pretty upset.
When he heard Adam Sandler's "Big Daddy 2" was greenlit he knew it was time to resume his quest for big screen stardom.
At least you aren't bitter. I don't see the GOP the way that you do although I think a lot of what you said is right. I see Colorado republicans as being the future of the party. Mostly because I have a number of friends that are republican that don't think global warming is caused by loose vaginas and gay sex. …
The biggest silver lining to all of this is Arby's reaction:
The dance-off always ends in disaster at Ole Miss, because people always get confused after Y-M
aka not a goal.
The number of good goals scored by the Hawks in that sequence is the same number of current Hawks fans under the age of 40 who started following the team before 2009.
Not in that picture, it isn't. Now, it's clearly going to move over the line, as it's still going at that point, but it gets blocked before you can see it. It's close enough that if they had called it a goal it would've stayed a goal, but there's no conclusive video evidence to overturn a no goal call.
Brian "Hispanic players need to learn to Respect The Game" McCann. Guys like McCann, who are hellbent on convincing everyone that baseball players shouldn't be allowed to have fun, are doing more to hurt the popularity of the game than pace of play every could.
This may be useful for out-of-towners, but I don't need to read a map to know that New York basketball is history.
I thought that, too, but then I figured the NFL never got a copy of the tape. So when they finally see those punches, Goodell will probably suspend some guys.
Keep your chin up, man. That almost landed.
Martin took a dive when he saw who he was fighting. He didn't want any of Ryan White's blood on him.
I'll take this as a metaphor that we really have won the fight against AIDS.
Coincidentally, "Chipdip2" is the name Ralph Friedgen uses for his victory formation kneeldown.
Chipdip1 used encryptions?