
He gets a pass all because his brother is a good neighbor.


Can we NBA fans as a whole just say the truth about Paul, hes a really dirty player, who flops, punches people in the balls(In Wake Forest), pulls a player down midair (Collison in the playoffs last year), elbows a Gasol who just had chest surgery when losing a playoff game.

Is that a No More Wife Beater?

No fair! I wanted to see the players suffer REAL punishment for things they didn't do and that aren't really serious anyway!

which is the entire point of publishing this glossy, archaic collection of boobs and butts.

I'm all for body positivity and all, but let's be honest: the Swimsuit Issue's biggest target demographic is teenage boys, and they're going to have an awfully hard time jacking off to... Goddamnit, they're jacking off right now, aren't they.

The problem was, nobody knew jack shit about Motekiai Langi. No grainy highlight reel, no photos of him in a football uniform, no profile on a recruiting website. Nothing.

Who's got the bad faith? They never made any bones about not trying to be a great team this year and playing young players, and as a result they've been cycling through rookies and journeymen in the hopes of hitting on a few that might keepers, which it appears they might be finding as they begin to win some games

Of course. Because more idiots slobbering all over their microphone and blowing calls is exactly what the NHL needs. He should just stick to baseball.

OR. Maybe "deflategate" was allot of horse shit and media overreation? And false reporting


Yes, because every team in the NBA must be over .500 in order to be respectable.

But the 76ers are the godless abomination, right?

It's all Wilson's fault, because even if the play was boneheaded, it's not like Bevell called and Carroll approved a formation called "automatic interception."

*swipes right*

Looks like he's out cold. Did she even think to put him through concussion protocol?