
It's hard for me to fathom just how wealthy you have to be that one of your hobbies is WOMENS BASKETBALL. Granted it is professional which makes it a little better. But seriously it's like those old rich Russians just ran out of crap to spend money on.

Yes, we should definitely be looking to Russia for how we should treat woment.

It's my"understanding", that pretty much everything you say is written in the article above.

Have to laugh at the "outrage" here from a bunch of tools who would never watch a WNBA game.

Contestant: Basketball for $300, Alex

MLS gets so much because US Soccer packages it together with USMNT games. Like how if you want ESPN you're stuck paying for ABC Family too.

Also, are you really arguing that women are comparatively better off in Russia, Brazil, Turkey or Eastern Europe where these players are going in the offseason? Because you'd be wrong.

I don't think you read the article.

Just because women aren't treated equally to men in every single way doesn't mean that they're second class citizens. Women will never be able to compete with men at the professional level of most sports, that's the basic truth, and that's okay. Nobody complains when the top female models are making 40x what the top

By "supported" you mean the 3000 fans a game that attend because it's free and where the owner basically burns 5 million a year for a hobby? I'd not exactly call that strong support.

Please site similar salary based data for major televised events in Europe. I'll post some information here about European Sports:

Is this sarcasm? You think women's sports are taken seriously in Europe or something?

If we supported women's sports? Did you read the article? Taurasi's Russian team only gets 3K fans per game and they literally give away tickets the revenue is nothing, literally zero dollars. From the sounds of it Russian women's basketball is also a second class league it just has owners who are willing to lose

well I think the reason the WNBA is a "second class league" is because in a society built on capitalism you can't expect businesses to thrive unless they offer something valuable to its customers, or in this case, offer reasons to be a fan/to watch.

Not sure I understand @jayaregee. The WNBA doesn't really make money, so there isn't much to pay players. The counter to that bargaining chip is, OK, good luck in Russia, we'll just get another lady to take your place, and even if she's not the player you are, she fits our budget.

It happens all the time in

Women's tennis: interesting. Result: same prize purse as men

1. It's the free market 2. If every woman in the US supported the WNBA like US men support the NBA it would be successful 3. Have you watched the WNBA? It is god awful and no fun

Why limit it to women's sports? Why not say that we should support pro soccer? Pro lacrosse?

And here I've been skipping the WNBA season for years for free.

Your occasional reminder that Bobby Petrino is a piece of shit.