
I think Hank should be commended for being brave enough to go on a stage with an actual diseased sewer rat.

Great. Another award that's only ever given out to white males.

This was not civil disobedience in the name of Black Lives Matter. Per Boston PD, six of these people have been arrested before for stunts like this and most are known as members of Occupy Boston. They have no righteous cause. They're professional protestors who hijack causes like Black Lives Matter in order to

Yes interrupting and possibly endangering the general publics lives garners much support. This "movement" is despised by the majority of America. Lou's sentiments were shared overwhelmingly by those posting and calling in to Boston media yesterday. I hope more of this nonsense continues because it is making this

The downward spiral of Deadspin into a race baiting, bleeding heart clickbait site continues. Really sad. The protesters in Boston yesterday were narcissistic idiots whose only goal was to bring attention to themselves, and not any cause. Ambulances trying to get into Boston hospitals actually had to be diverted to

The clowns from yesterday's protest have done nothing for their alleged cause. They are all white people who live with their parents and have never experienced any form of racism. These are the same people who show up at all of the protests around town because they have nothing better to do. As a black man, I wish

So wait, you note the guy's batting average is surprisingly high for a scrub, then close with a joke about how he can't hit?

Victims of police brutality need real political change, not your half-witted Deadspin comments section false equivalencies.

AHA, but he is not AN orange(man), but the anthropomorphic representation of the color orange! Or some such.

I think you guys are trying too hard to back this cause. A bunch of white liberal yuppies (its cool, I'm white and a liberal, I can say it) protesting commuters really doesn't add to the cause.

Sitting on 93 with your one of your arms inside a 1,200 barrel during morning rush hour. That's not "civil obedience", that's being a f***in' idiot.

Can't rag on Lou for this. People on both sides of the issue wanted to throw these asshat protesters in a pit of cobras.

Several ambulances had to be rerouted because of protestors who already refused to meet with the city's mayor to discuss what kind of changes they're interested in. I'm with Lou here.

Look, I'm with you on shaming the EEI crowd every time they deserve it. Lou deserves it here and D&C is a daily exercise in casual, dogwhistle racism (I sometimes wonder if the average 495-to-128 commuter needs three or four snide snickers from those worthlessly smug cretins before he can take his morning dump).

This is a bit ridiculous to accuse Merloni of being wrongfully frustrated. The method of the protest has nothing to do with the message of the protest. Imagine, for example, that I punched you in the face. You'd be mad, right? But then I might say "you can't be mad that I punched you, because I did it in the name of

Deadspin often releases "non-story" stories, but this might be the pinnacle. Baseball player has bat in trunk? In high school I carried two bats in mine. And I played soccer.

You're right, Will. People trying to get to their "precious" work, the doctor, school or wherever have no right to complain about people intentionally impeding them from getting to work, the doctor, school or wherever.

he think you need to make myself a sandwich.

You don't see a problem with a team requiring minor leaguers to pay for quasi-mandatory workouts? Oy vey.