
Bill Belichick would simply list every potential juror as "questionable" and leave it at that.

You don't need a questionnaire to whittle down No. 18, just some cold weather and the blitz.

150. Would the fact that Hernandez didn't have a wild introduction dance that he would do upon entering the field affect your decision in this case, or hiring him as an analyst for Monday Night Football? Y____ N____

Treadmill: COME ON DOWN!!

It is technically illegal because it is University property. But yes, you are correct, if the NCAA weren't such a shit organization this wouldn't be a problem.

Well, it seems to me that the equipment likely does not belong to the players, and so yes, it would be theft. But pretty darn minor theft.

I want to hear the helicopter, not some girl moaning!!!!

That tweet looks like something posted the day after an Amway conference...

County residents complained when the Pinellas County 911 call center became a little less efficient:

The rug only blessed the floors of the most in-shape officers, those in the 9-k unit.

Jesus, why not name him John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt and get it over with?

Oh please. If someone handed me even $10,000 when I was 21 there was no way I would have managed it correctly. And probably the first thing I would have done would have asked my dad "What would be the smart thing to do with this?" I think that in Hockey and Baseball and to a lesser extent Football we tend to forget

"Bills Water® is a refreshing throwback to a better time in the AFC, when once-mighty rustbelt vanguards could fall backwards into consecutive missed shots at glory. Each bottle contains the 100% pure, triple-filtered tears of Scott Norwood and Marv Levy, with a portion of the sales going to fight early-onset

No wrestling is the bigger crime. An event from the original ancient Greek naked Olympics is gone overnight.

Call me when the Olympics adds 1-on-5 basketball.

so no baseball...but 3v3 basketball?


+1 grassy knoll

Wouldn't be the first puppet regime from a LBJ.