
Those poor people...

David Duval just had a panic attack because he has no idea how he's supposed to tee off during the first two rounds of the tournament.

Unfortunately, with hiring criteria like that, bright up-and-comers like Jeff Perpetuallastplace will never get a shot.

I'm far more interested The Arizona Republic's article:

After deciding on Del Rio as his coach, Mark Davis set his sights on the super bowl. His thoughts returned to football after a few minutes of admiring his new haircut.

"Just got great news; am going to be involved in an exciting new Apple product called the Human Centipad."

I don't disagree with you that Hasek was one of the greatest goalies of all time, but I want you to know that the majority of brodeur's wins came after the 2005 lockout. So... no Stevens, Niedermayer, or Daneyko but the trapezoid, and all those other offense enhancing rules, were in full effect :]

Did Bloomberg accidentally refer to the Nets as a "marquee franchise?"


Instead of whining about how your poor feelings are hurt, perhaps you could educate us unwashed masses? Because it sure looks like the proper protocol to disperse a happy and peaceful crowd is to tear gas the shit out of them!

Yes, the punishment for not immediately following orders should definitely be 'being pepper sprayed.' You're a true freedom-lover.

Careful, a disturbing number of folks think if you aren't 100% with the cops, you're automatically 100% against them.

I see you troooooollin....

I really don't understand why the police don't just wait for the crowd to disperse naturally. Even if it takes a few hours, who gives a shit? What difference would that make? What, do they think the kids are going to set up residence in the middle of the street and live there forever? Why make this stuff a bigger

"Albeit heavy-handedly" is kind of the whole reason people are upset about it.

why the fuck are police officers confronting american civilians wearing fucking camouflage?

Scanners carried more than 40 reports of fires, mostly in dumpsters, but with at least three couches set ablaze

"Our football team won" is the white man's "they're killing our children."

This force wouldn't have been necessary if half the fans put their hands straight up in the air instead of making Os

Whether you watched football or the Golden Globes yesterday, you were likely exposed to a new McDonald's ad