That's understandable, Brett Favre also inched his way towards 40 and become increasingly hard to shrug off.
That's understandable, Brett Favre also inched his way towards 40 and become increasingly hard to shrug off.
Is Gawker trying to drive Allison Williams to the brink of insanity? Why are we getting such a deluge of negative articles any time she opens her mouth. Is Denton that worried about her boyfriend's awful website taking away views? I get that it's a stupid scene, on a stupid show. But do we really need like 4…
On what planet does that not decide the game? Because things could have occurred subsequently? With that kind of analysis, the only play that decides the game is the last one.
Good luck getting sympathy on rooting for a playoff baseball team and one of the most exciting teams in the NBA. Jesus, what's next? Someone going "I'm a Yankees, Broncos, Heat fan. It's been a long 9 months".
Saw your tweet. "Just took a dude out." So gay.
In a surprise twist, Mueller recommended that Goodell be named President of the United States with all executive authority thereto attached. He also moved that all misdemeanor and felony cases in the country be referred to the office of the President, who will be given a literal hammer with which—as highest judicial…
Even leaving aside his sketchy record and the conflicts of interest here, I've read a lot of books about history and have learned that ascending to a post as high as FBI director means you should be presumptively regarded with distrust and skepticism.
"...but to suggest that he'd be involved in and put his name on anything other than a legitimate and thorough investigation ought to be based on something more than a general disinclination to believe the man, no?"
So Goodell's not going to be fired specifically for this continued fuck-up (although many would argue it's not at all a fuck-up. It's just him taking PR bullets for the guys behind "the shield."). At any rate, that he's not going to be publicly fired and shamed makes me sad. But what makes me more sad is just how…
The firm Mueller works for has done the bidding of the Redskins, Ravens, and the league for years. It was a clear conflict of interest the moment it was announced, which itself was only several hours after it was brainstormed.
Not trolling, honest question: Have you been paying attention? Why would you think the NFL's handpicked investigator would conclude that the NFL lied or acted with impropriety? I mean, honestly, have you actually been paying attention at all over the last few years? Can you recall the league office engaging in any…
In related news, a report commissioned by Shaggy has reached the conclusion that, despite all evidence to the contrary "it wasn't me".
To be fair to Don, he did ask the exact same question to the Cosby accuser.
It's almost hilarious that when the NYPD sat around brainstorming ways to prove how necessary they are to the daily functioning of the city they came up with, "Stop writing tickets for bullshit petty offenses and harassing people on the sidewalks, that'll show 'em! They'll come crawling back to lick our boots after a…
I'm fine with the slowdown. Keep it up long enough and we can decrease revenues from ticketing poor people, trim the budget, and fire some cops. Start with any that have had excessive force complaints.
Personally, I'm glad to see that Deadspin isn't going to give into these terrorists & shy away from satirizing Muhammad.
Usually when there's an attempted Muhammad dunk that results in a different outcome than expected, the CIA gets criticized a decade later.
When Kris Humphries is laughing at you, you know you done fucked up.