I'm on the fence about Goodell as a hall of famer. He lacks the quiet dignity that shitbarf guy has in spades.
I'm on the fence about Goodell as a hall of famer. He lacks the quiet dignity that shitbarf guy has in spades.
$4,000 a seat to watch a sporting event featuring players who barely get enough to cover all their meals.
Sucks for that guy but Stubhub didn't come after me after I got two right field uppers to an August Rockies/D'backs game for $8 a pop.
I just made $1,600 from my COUCH by visting Stubhub's website!! You can too!! Just go to www.goog.le11.1/ttic/23r23 now for information on how you can turn your life around with little to no effort!!!
Presented by AT&T
I haven't seen that much black on the ground since the 1968 Democratic National Convention.
It must be such a relief to see something black on the floor in Chicago that isn't Derrick Rose.
Pedro is the wor2t.
Wait, I thought we already elected Daulerio?
The human Piggy Poopballs, imo
Smoltz???????? I'd want Mussina or Schilling on my roster much more than Smoltz. He was good, but they were MUCH better.
To be fair, he did hit what appears to be the broad side of a barn.
Lithuania's Got Negligible Talent
So You Think You Can Lance
I don't think he has a problem. He's in his young 20s and everyone his age is getting shitfaced all the time. His maturity comes into question, but labeling him an alcoholic because he likes to party like normal people his (my) age is a little absurd.
Scott was "using language that most of the audience didn't understand, and it had to stop," Olbermann recalled the executive as saying.
"Ooh. Somebody else turned down the Jets. Well, boo-fucking-hoo."
You should sign off with a notice that you're about to be making some upgrades to Kinja.
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