To further my point, black people don't even make up 3% of the Canadian population, yet they account for roughly 6% of NHL players. That's a pretty good track record IMO.
To further my point, black people don't even make up 3% of the Canadian population, yet they account for roughly 6% of NHL players. That's a pretty good track record IMO.
You can't just throw up a goal anywhere, or go to any old field and practice or play ice hockey. The equipment is expensive, buying ice time is expensive, facilities are expensive to build and maintain and therefore are sparse, taking your kid to the rink that may be 45 minutes away just for practice is time…
I'M A MAN, I'M 24.
the Little Hoyas
It's not even a private school or athletics specific thing. Parents are holding back kids with birthdays as early as February or March with the thought that it will help their kids get ahead academically. It's been going on for quite a while. I'm in my 20's, have an August birthday, and was in a class with kids…
Everyone that played lax in my high school also played football. In the fall, they absolutely sucked and inflated their record playing shitty competition and acted like the most arrogant, douchey meatheads you'll ever find. Come springtime, they were always ranked by InsideLacrosse (or whoever does those rankings) in…
Ah, yes. The long standing Alabama/Florida State rivalry which has been played....four times.
Good point, forgot about that. But, like I said, most of the stuff that you would see on Fox Sports South (or whatever Fox Sports affiliates still exist) ends up on MSG+ (the former FSNY), not YES.
Considering there's no Fox RSN in the New York area, moving a New York centric show to that platform would probably be a waste of time. MSG typically carries a lot of the content that shows up on the Fox RSNs, but they don't seem too interested in carrying radio shows considering they dumped Boomer and Carton a short…
Two questions:
"he likes United."
What derogatory comment about French Canadians was in there?
No, Chicagoans just charge onto the field to attack people.
You're being incredibly nice by saying it's only "kinda convenient". OF COURSE eliminating the Clippers' home court advantage for a crucial playoff game is why Mark Jackson is talking. Tickets for this series (and the rest of the playoffs? Not sure how ticketing works) have probably been sold out for weeks or months…
As an outsider who has spent many, many days skiing in both states, New Hampshire blows Vermont away IMO. Although I think a large reason for that is VT ski areas are full of New Yorkers and NH ski areas are full of Bostonians. Even as a New Yorker, I so much more prefer Boston ski crowds to New York ski crowds.
Where did Ortiz narc on him? Doing a quick Google News search the only thing I can find relating to Ortiz and Pineda is him claiming "Everybody uses pine tar...It's not a big deal" the other week.
Have to come up with anything and everything to pretend there weren't three incredibly entertaining NHL playoff games last night.
And the Cubs have one of the richest baseball histories aside from the Yankees.
The Tri-State area isn't COMPLETELY Yankee grey. There's not really a definition to "the Tri-State area". If we use Census data, you'd have to use the New York CSA (the New York MSA doesn't include anything in Connecticut, including Greenwich roughly 20 miles away, but does include Pike County, PA, including…