Disco Inferno

Yeah, I was an RA one year in college (relatively new dorm, no known hauntings). If a student comes to you with typical stress or anxiety over classes or something or a breakup or the like, you can try to talk it through with them. Otherwise, you get them to counseling or, as in this case, if self harm is involved,

The bloody hands one might be the most memorable of this year, though I think I slightly prefer the one with the train tracks, it was nicely evocative. 

I’ve not wanted to be too hard on Jezebel since the big staff turnover, but, well, this assemblage of stories is markedly worse, in terms of selection, than any previous year. I think most years at least one story is going to be creepypasta, but not so overtly as the two (at least) I caught here! The story about the

That scariest thing of all is the decision to make this sacred annual treat into a freakin’ slideshow.

Yeah, so using the same initial photo again is going to cause some people who are typing “scary stories” into your search bar to miss the fact that this is the updated article with the winners for this year. I kept refreshing and thought this was the one posted a few weeks back introing this year’s contest. Yes, I did

My favourite was the college girl who was given a lift by the seemingly kind, but insistent, good looking driver (even though she had her bike with her). His sudden, shocking change of attitude and unknown motive were the spooky part. What was with that guy, and why did he seem to change his mind and drop her off

One time I wanted to read the spooky stories contest on a popular website but the editors chose to format it as a slide show for some reason and it was so scary I left.

Whew, I’m glad I got to the page before it was annoying re-arranged into a slideshow.

I’ve been reading these for years and never shared my favorite ghost story from my youth ... I’m sure this will get lost, but here we go

I’ve told a different story or two before but honestly this is the last I’ve got. Plus I’m doing it in the month so late I’m not sure many will see it.

So, I know this one isn’t a big deal, but I haven’t liked writing / revisiting it, and am kinda glad I’m posting super late so maybe it won’t really get seen and I won’t get in trouble with who/whatever was in that fucking house.

One of my professors told me about a house he had lived in that was so severely haunted that one day his wife said she just couldn’t stay there and didn’t want the kids to stay there anymore and they’d have to move back in with family (I can’t remember particulars as this story was told to me around ten years ago) and

That skill is called the Barnum effect - general characterisations attributed to an individual are perceived to be true for them, even though the statements are such generalisations that they could apply to almost anyone.

I did a quick google on the author’s handle just to see what I could hot-read on them, and thanks

I’m always fascinated by ghosts that are put off by crucifixes or praying to Jesus etc as though the religious beliefs these people grew up with are THE beliefs that will keep supernatural presences away, but no one ever had a ghost blocked by praying to Allah or Hades or anyone else. What if your ghost isn’t afraid

If I’m guessing the area correctly in northern Wisconsin - the one that’s famed for cross-country skiiing - a lot of the current camps and resorts sit on places where there used to be old logging camps. And, because of the industry, the area was a hotbed for a lot of vices during that time (aka, the old saying,

Honestly, everything that fortune teller said - “because of your depression you have a hard time seeing how well you’re actually doing”, “you attract both good and bad things and people”, “I am constantly seeing the effects of karma and while I don’t deliver it myself, I don’t try to stop it when I see the Karma

I am so happy they lived to tell the tale! And that Police (and society in general) are starting to take this shit seriously now. (Though it was only 10 years ago that they didn’t take me too seriously when it happened to me). Stalkers are not something that I’d wish on ANYONE. That’s absolutely terrifying for them.

I mean I have a coworker who swears one of the galleries has something in it, the security guards apparently experience stuff at night, the theater is super creepy and I hated working there by myself (but that may just be because we were storing a ton of mannequins there), and the book conservator found a human femur

“job in a museum that wasn’t super haunted”

That is terrifying.