Disco Inferno

The scariest ones are the ones with no explanation and I seriously am going to go crazy wanting to know more.

OMG YES! The Queen Mary, thank you. I’m a little obsessed. I am so planning a trip here one day. Not that I plan to see anything, but I still desperately want to visit and stay a night. 😊 How interesting that you saw the little girl. Oddly, there’s no record of her in the history books of the place, yet people claim

I am so frustrated with them on your behalf. I can’t comprehend shrugging off a recurring sound outside of your child’s room OR continuing to insist that it was “fake” so many years later?? My dad was the opposite though; anytime I heard something outside of my room (esp late at night) he’d snap into full Castle

“That Room” is definitely my favorite this year. The fact that the friend refused to say what she saw in the chair just makes it all the more unsettling. What could have bothered her THAT much? That one is going to make my brain itch.

I grew up on M.R. James, so I’m a sucker for short and unsettling every time. Some good picks this year.

Happens every year. I think it’s just hard for people to not put all the little details in. It happened to them, it’s their experience, and the details matter to them. Some posts are much worse than others no doubt (and those ones I often just skip entirely) but it’s how, as a reader, you become adept at ‘skimming’.

You were right mom…1970’s, we are taking some friends from out of town for some sightseeing in Southern California. Of course everyone (except me) wanted to visit the Queen Mary, a retired British ocean liner now moored in Long Beach. It was converted into an interesting hotel/dining location. I was 5 and wasn’t too

Ugh, I forgot these were slideshows now.

A friend of mine was going through a messy divorce with an unstable ex and didn’t have a lockable garage door. He used that minimal access to play mind games with her and their kids. Sorry this happened to you, and so glad you’re out of that relationship.

[TW: Domestic violence]

There was no follow up. Frankly, if either had happened to me, I probably would have lost my shit and fainted.

Well, you’re entitled to your opinion, but it’s certainly an odd venue for it. Or were you just bummed that your post about the tormented plight of men didn’t get more traction.

Ah, New Orleans, one place I really want to visit! I don’t know why I love historic places but I do. Does everyone? I could care less for modern, I want to travel into the past. I can’t wait to go there one day, I hope it never changes. :) 

Well, I guess that’s just, like, your opinion man ... 

I mean, it’s pretty impressive for an animal to smash a cooler (unless we’re talking about the temporary foam type). I’m sure a bear could do it, though they can easily open a cooler (one that doesn’t ‘lock’ like a Yeti). I don’t know if there are bears where you were? Being an avid camper, this is not unusual for

What I find most impressive, besides all the horror, is that you seem to have conquered it. The sleep paralysis, you stopped it. You took dominion of it. That’s just so interesting to me. I don’t know if we’ll ever truly know what those effects of sleep paralysis are (not the literal paralysis but aaalll the things

This one. Short. Sharp. Creepy. Will stay with me for the rest of the night.

Ugh... was just thinking about that recently. No one from my family lives in my continent...

This is gonna get buried in the greys since I’m submitting it at the end of the month but I’ve been reading and loving these collections each year for a while and am finally putting in my story because 20 years later I still don’t know what to make of it - but it’s the absolute truth.

Spooky, yes. But I find this more fascinating as a glimpse of unusual and unexpectedly heartening war time behaviour.
Granted, Naval officers might be more likely to respect the distinction between civilian and military, forces (certainly rank - as the Skipper appears to have been the only one provided a receipt from