Oh! I remembered the story I was going to share this year!
Oh! I remembered the story I was going to share this year!
Seriously! We also don’t need to know the entire history of your town, the layout of the streets, the fact that one time something horrible happened within a 250 mile radius but not actually anywhere near where your story takes place, etc. You don’t need to pad the story out with a bunch of irrelevant information.…
Personally, I prefer the supernatural ones. I have enough anxiety over how vulnerable my loved ones and myself are to violent predators without being reminded that the only real difference between us and the people who don’t escape the scary humans is pure luck.
So, I had this nightmare literally just last night. In it, I took a job housesitting for someone in an unfamiliar neighborhood, and spent the day outside on the front porch, enjoying nature and watching some of the local children at play. The kids kept finding strange things and bringing them to me: a sliver of bone; a…
Who’s got two thumbs and dug through last year’s journals and notes to find their scribbled-down log-in information *solely* to be able to comment/participate in the scary stories? This gal!
They really are getting ridiculously long, huh?
Yes, I am aware. But they, you know, don’t *have* to be. And the titles are separate, so... thanks for your input, I guess?
I feel like it would be entirely appropriate for Jezebel editors to pick titles for these stories. Also, to do some basic editing of the stories, because sheesh.
For real, from an outsider perspective, there is little, if any, difference between watching someone who is “possessed by the Holy Spirit” and watching someone who is “possessed by a demon”. Definitely creepy.
I used to hear breathing like that coming from the closet of one of my old apartments. It was a loft-style apartment, so the breathing would kind of echo around the whole place, but it very definitely originated from the closet.
... I spent a lot of nights downstairs on the sofa in front the TV, is what I’m saying.
OMG, that totally sounds like my kind of party!
But I am an introvert, and a little bit goth, so...
That is spooky, but also, like, strangely touching? Poor Gerald! Maybe he was just checking up on the later generation, and talking about how he approved of having you around?
So, this is another late entry, but I only just now came to the realization, after reading some stories in the archives about disturbing dreams, that I may be... I dunno, anti-haunted, I guess?
See, for my entire life, a recurring theme in my dreams has been “home” — represented by any number of the houses we moved in…
... That is a big ol’ helping of hot, buttery NOPE right there...
I want to say it was hands-down the creepiest thing that ever happened while we lived in that area, but I can really only rank it in, like, probably the top three... Small towns in desert-y areas, man. C-R-E-E-P-Y.
Ugh, reading this gave me anxiety stomach, as the knocks started moving.
“All of the scares caused by women seem to be lady-ghosts. The scares caused by men are just...men.”
Well, if that ain’t just horrifically, depressingly true...
Yikes! The clicking on the glass gave me the willies!
Also, it reminded me of the only evidence of ghostly phenomena that I’ve personally experienced at my presumably-haunted workplace (a 400+ year old building where others have definitely reported creepy happenings): A couple of times, when I’ve been working in one of…
Both a terrifying real-life person *and* a ghost in one story? This has to be the winner. I am shook. And I am so, so glad you have a good ghost. I hope she scared him so badly he never tries anything like that on anyone ever again.